
时间:2024-05-27 12:35:02 经典短文 投诉 投稿



  Computers are changing our life. You can do a lot of things with a computer. Such as, you can use a computer to write articles, watch video CDs, play games and do office work. But the most important use of a computer is to join the Internet.We don’t need to leave home to borrow books from a library or to do shopping in a supermarket.


  Computers help us live a more convenient life.


  Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city."

  The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid.

  After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."







  Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.


  Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. This often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of 20. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.


  Years may wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, fear, self-distrust bows the heart and turns the spring back to dust.


  Whether 60 or 16, there is in every human being's heart the lure of wonder, the unfailing childlike appetite of what's next and the joy of the game of living. In the center of your heart and my heart there is a wireless station: so long as it receives messages of beauty, hope, cheer, courage and power from men and from the Infinite, so long are you young.


  When the aerials are down, and your spirit is covered with snows of cynicism and the ice of pessimism, then you are grown old, even at 20, but as long as your aerials are up, to catch waves of optimism, there is hope you may die young at 80.



  Not until you realize that life itself is a beautiful thing will you really start to live. Although living combines tragedy with splendor, life is beautiful and even tragedies reflect something engaging. If you were simply to live, do more than that; live beautifully.


  Through the sea of darkness, hope is the light that brings us comfort, faith, and reassurance. It guides our way if we are lost and gives us a foothold on our fears. The moment we lose hope is the moment we surrender our will to live. We live in a world that is disintegrating into a vicious hatred, where hope is needed more than ever but cannot be discerned. Finding that is rare while the world lives in fear, but the belief in something better, something bigger than this, is what keeps life worth living.


  Then you hear a baby speaking her first word, you see seniors holding hands, you feel the first spring rain, or smell the pine tree at Christmas, and remember that no matter how awful it is, there is always hope. No matter how weak we are, we will always survive.



  Everything about my future was ambiguously assumed. I would get into debt by going to college, then I would be forced to get a job to pay off that debt, while still getting into more and more debt by buying a house and a car. It seemed like a never-ending cycle that had no place for the possibility of a dream.

  I want more—but not necessarily in the material sense of personal wealth and success. I want more out of life. I want a passion, a conceptual dream that wouldn’t let me sleep out of pure excitement. I want to spring out of bed in the morning, rain or shine, and have that zest for life that seemed so intrinsic in early childhood.

  Failing is what makes us grow, it makes us stronger and more resilient to the aspects of life we have no control over. The fear of failure, although, is what makes us stagnant and sad. So even though I couldn’t see the future as clearly as before, I took the plunge in hopes that in the depths of fear and failure, I would come out feeling more alive than ever before.


  Maybe a grandparent is chomping at the bit to hear about your adventures, or maybe an old friend had a really bad day, maybe your mom wishes you'd ring her up more often. Get on the line. You remember that your iPhone can make calls, right? Get in touch with those people that are dying to hear from you (because someone definitely is). Then, ask: How are you doing? What's new? These questions have such few syllables, but their depth is endless.


  It's just coffee -- no one needs coffee, so this doesn't really matter, right? But what if you knew that a $2 cup of caffeine could change someone's day, week or their wholeperspective? Boom: That cup of coffee just changed the world. Welcome to the Random Acts of Kindness movement, where nice things happen just because nice people do them. You don't have to, you don't necessarily need to, but you can -- and it

  restores people's faith in humanity. The best part? They pass it on.


  In the reign of Emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, Grand General Huo Guang was a minister who occupied a decisive position at court and was deeply trusted by the emperor. when Emperor Wudi was dying, he entrusted Huo Guang with the task of assisting his youngest son Liu fuelling (Emperor Zhaodi)in go verning the country. After the death of Emperor Zhaodi,Huo Guang made Liu Xun the emperor. who was Emperor Xuandi of the Han Dynasty. Controlling the imperial government for more than 40 years ,Huo Guang had rendered fairly outstanding service to the Western Han Dynasty. After Liu Xun ascended the throne, he made Imperial Concubine Xu his queen. Hankering after wealth and rank, Huo Guang's wife Huo Xian tried to make her youngest daughter Chengjun the queen of Lin Xun. So ,taking the opportunity of the queen's illness, Huo Xian bribed a woman doctor who poisoned the queen to death. The venomous scheme was brought to light,and the woman doctor was put into jail. Huo Guang knew nothing about it beforehand, and it was not until after the event that his wife told him about it. Seized with terror, Huo Guang reproached his wife for doing such a thing, He thought of reporting his wife for her crime, but at the same time did not have the beart to have her wife punished. After much hesitation, he conceited the thing offensive to God and reason in the end. After Huo Guang died,Emperor Xuandi was informed of the case. Someone was sent to investigate it. Hearing this,Huo Guang's wife discussed with her family members and trusted followers in order to find a way to deal with her family members and trusted followers in order to find a way to deal with the situation. Three decided to call the clansmen together to stage a rebellion. But the secret was divulged. Emperor Xuandi sent troops to surround Hue's home, and all the members of Hue's family were executed. Commenting on the merits and demerits of Huo Guang, historian Ban Gu(32-92) said in "The Life of Huo Guang "in his History of the Han Dynasty that Huo Guang "had neither knowledge nor skill and did not understand the major principles". That is to say, Huo Guang did not understand the truths concerning the overall situation because he did not study and had no knowledge. The set phrase" having neither knowledge nor skill" is later used to refer to being ignorant and incompetent.


  Michael Jordan's Retired Speech


  I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It won't be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature.


  Mentally, I'm exhausted; I don't feel I have a challenge. Physically, I feel great. The last time in 1993 I had other agendas. I felt that I wanted to play baseball and I felt that at my age, it was a good opportunity and time to do it. And with the death of my father, and I was basically trying to deal with that.


  Actually I talked to very last year once the season ended and I told Jerry at that time, mentally, I was a little exhausted. I didn't know if I would play next year. I wanted to put him on awareness so that he could possibly prepare going into next season. And very, once we had our conversation, wanted me to take time as I did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision.


  I retired the first time when Phil Jackson was the coach. And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time , mentally finding the challenge for myself. I though he can somehow present challenges for me. I don't know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season. Even though middle way of this season I wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season I was mentally drained and tired. 50 I can't say that he would have restored that.

  第一次退役时菲尔.杰克逊是教练。但我觉得即使本赛季他还担任教练,我也会很困难,内心里 ,我已感到了挑战。当然克论如何,他都会给我一些应对方洁的我不知道他是否还有办法使我打完这一赛季。在本赛季中间我还想着再打几年呢,但当赛季结束时,我却感觉精神枯竭,疲惫。因此我确实不能说他会使我恢复精力。

  I will support the Chicago Bulls. I think the game itself is a lot bigger than Michael Jordan. I've been given an opportunity by people before me, to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Doctor J, Eljohn Baylor Jerry West. These guys played the game way before Michael Jordan was born and Michael Jordan came on the heels of all that activity. Mr. Stern and what he's done for the league, gave me an opportunity to play the game of basketball I played it to the best I could play it, I tried to enhance the game itself. I've tried to be the best basketball player that I could be.

  我将支持芝加哥公牛队,我认为比赛本身比迈克尔.乔丹重要得多。我的很多机会都是篮球前辈们给的'。我这里指出一些:里姆·阿卡杜·贾巴尔,J博士,伊利约翰 ·贝勒,杰里 ·韦斯特这些人早在迈克尔.乔丹出生前就活跃在赛场了。迈克尔.乔丹只不过是继承了他们的传统。斯特恩先生及其为联盟做出的贡献给了我打篮球的机会。找已尽我最大能力打球,我也努力拉动比赛本身的发展。我一直在努力,尽我所能成为最好的球员。


  Life is hard. We should not give up hope. By the time we have given up, we are finished. Chances are always there. We have to grab every single opportunity...to help, to love and to serve. To live our life happier, full of joy, we have to set our goal and even dream big. If we choose the shortest path in life, we will never learn. To be or not to be, we have to be SOMEBODY. The fastest way to gain love is to love others first! Do not hide your talent, your knowledge and your beautiful heart. Go for your dream and live for it.



  A man had a little daughter—an only and much-loved child. He lived for her—she was his life. So when she became ill, he became like a man possessed, moving heaven and earth to bring about her restoration to health.


  His best efforts, however, proved unavailing and the child died. The father became a bitter recluse, shutting himself away from his many friends and refusing every activity that might restore his poise and bring him back to his normal self. But one night he had a dream.


  He was in heaven, witnessing a grand pageant of all the little child angels. They were marching in a line passing by the Great White Throne. Every white-robed angelic child carried a candle. He noticed that one child‘s candle was not lighted. Then he saw that the child with the dark candle was his own little girl. Rushing to her, he seized her in his arms, caressed her tenderly, and then asked, “How is it, darling, that your candle alone is unlighted?” “Daddy, they often relight it, but your tears always put it out.”


  Just then he awoke from his dream. The lesson was crystal clear, and its effects were immediate. From that hour on he was not a recluse, but mingled freely and cheerfully with his former friends and associates. No longer would his darling‘s candle be extinguished by his useless tears.



  If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.


  Your life can be enhanced, and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective. Don’t leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work duanwenw.com through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.


  Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it duanwenw.com into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your “worry hours” into “productive hours”. Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in.



  Think it Over

  Today we have higher buildings and wider highways,but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view;

  We spend more,but enjoy less;

  We have bigger houses,but smaller famillies;

  We have more compromises,but less time;

  We have more knowledge,but less judgment;

  We have more medicines,but less health;

  We have multiplied out possessions,but reduced out values;

  We talk much,we love only a little,and we hate too much;

  We reached the Moon and came back,but we find it troublesome to cross our own street and meet our neighbors;

  We have conquered the uter space,but not our inner space;

  We have highter income,but less morals;

  These are times with more liberty,but less joy;

  We have much more food,but less nutrition;

  These are the days in which it takes two salaries for each home,but divorces increase;

  These are times of finer houses,but more broken homes;

  That's why I propose,that as of today;

  You do not keep anything for a special occasion。because every day that you live is a SPECIAL OCCASION。

  Search for knowledge,read more ,sit on your porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs;

  Spend more time with your family and friends,eat your favorite foods,visit the places you love;

  Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival;

  Use your crystal goblets。Do not save your best perfume,and use it every time you feel you want it。

  Remove from your vocabulary phrases like"one of these days"or "someday";

  Let's write that letter we thought of writing "one of these days"!

  Let's tell our families and friends how much we love them;

  Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life;

  Every day,every hour,and every minute is special;

  And you don't know if it will be your last。































  Life is like time, the same to everyone. But because people thought, thinking and mentality is different and there is a different life situation, some people had poor sad, some people have enough to live comfortably, some people have a rich life.


  Complain, actually is the biggest obstacle for us, because if we have a little unhappy or frustrated downhearted, began, the whole people unable to get up after a fall become dejected and despondent, anxious so decadent, so who can not save you, who also can not change you, who will eventually really look down on you. We should always keep a sunny mindset and be confident in our life. Because life is not so good, then we have no reason not to improve it. This mentality is actually rare, but many of our people do not, perhaps they will feel this is affectation, is hypocritical, is in force. But, we can look carefully at the people around us, how many successes are those who only complain all day? No It is the difference that you have always wanted to not understand. So, your life is inferior to others. That's because you can't eat the pain that others can eat, you don't want to pay the amount that others pay, you don't face or fear to face those difficulties and setbacks.


  There is an old saying: "eat bitter, leading to human", is to tell us in the face of life suffer tired as it should be, we only experienced a world of bitter will temper our firm and indomitable will and refuse to be cowed or submit the character. What we need is action rather than complaining and grumbling. Only action can solve the problem. Complaining can only be the indignation of one's incompetence. Because they have no ability or courage to overcome and change, will find excuses to shirk, the students will continue to resentment, eventually the obsession to ordinary consumption of precious time of life. To become a human being, we must overcome the complaining mentality, eliminate the complaint mentality and fight with a confidence that I can do, so that your life is different from others.


  If we really want to live a decent yourself, then you have to always face their own, face their own shortcomings and deficiencies, face their own life is not beauty, face action and their ability, and improve themselves in practice, thoroughly to don't complain, you will get a new self, you changed the life out of the encirclement of the brave, out of detention areas and comfort zone, daring to practice their own ideas, overcome the difficulties in life, only to find grounds for success, not to find excuses for failure. Tell yourself, only an excuse and reason is sometimes a perfunctory to others and deal with, but it should not be, because I think we should dare to do everything, have the courage, responsibility, no excuses, such a vigorous and resolute style is the power and weapon in us. Whenever I encountered some failures or setbacks, to be aware of their incompetence is still not well prepared, not their consciousness or others would not The early bird catches, complain about the unfair fate or blame their ability as well as others. This only determines your achievement and harvest after a single thought. Sometimes you know where the root is, then it will provide reference and warning for your subsequent life, and know what aspects to overcome and enhance your ability.


  Rather than take time to complain, leave the time for yourself to think, sum up and improve. Because only the full use of time will let us have no time to think, will be more able to motivate ourselves to go up, positive and enterprising. This tight and fulfilling life is a must, if you don't have time to decadent, no time to complain, no time to boring, then you can be as good to others, you will feel a change of appearance, then you can live a real me. Because each of us has three "I" -- my self, I really false, only to their own potential, all excited and unremittingly efforts continue, it will find the real me, will also find great potential, so don't complain about yourself, just need to incapable of action. Hard to touch your can, can life without regret.


  We come to this world, and it seems to be something to do. Therefore, in the long and short life of our time, we really should be more to complain less, continue to ring their struggle of the horn to warn ourselves constantly motivate yourself no use complaining, complaining only of his incompetence indignation.


  Mom bought me a pair of skating shoes at my fifth birthday. From then on, I developed the hobby of skating. It not only makes me stronger and stronger, but also helps me know many truths of life. I know that it is normal to fall, and if only you can get on your feet again and keep on moving, you are very good!









