
时间:2024-06-14 08:56:00 经典短文 投诉 投稿



  About Sea 关于大海

  I live in a small village. I have never seen sea. But I see it many times in the TV. It is very beautiful. In my hometown, the water in the river is a little yellow and the river is small. But the sea is different. In the TV, I can’t see the end of the sea and its water is blue. It is amazing. It is said that is voice and wind of the sea are also very comfortable. My ten years birthday wish is to have a look at sea.



  The Sea 大海

  What do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don't. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, but when there's a strong wind, it's very rough. What else do you know about it?

  Of course, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It's really very nice. We can see beaches, trees and the sea. We can swim and visit a lot of beautiful places.

  When you swim in the sea, you feel that the water is salty.

  At last, I tell you about the Dead Sea. Fish can't live in it, because it's dangerous. This sea is too salty.

  The sea is nice, but sometimes it's not good.







  There is no same opinion among people as to the view of wealth. Some people may think that wealth is the most important and powerful thing in life, while some other people believe that there are many things that cannot be bought with wealth.As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion. There’s an old proverb, “Money can cure hunger, but it can’t cure happiness” which simply means wealth can buy us some material things but cannot make us happy and free from sadness or worries.


  In fact, happiness, true love, friendship, time, health and so on are the most valuable things in the world and can never ever be bought with money. Those who just try their best to make money can’t realize the true meaning of life and will be the slaves for money. They can’t enjoy happiness, for they have lost everything, time, relatives, love except money. Then, what can money do? No one will share the happy moment with them.So, I think, money is not at all powerful while happiness is more important. If we always have happiness, we’ll never give up the belief to life.


  On-line Shopping Carnival 网络购物狂欢节

  When it comes to November 11, what’s on your mind? Well, as to the old generations, it’s only an ordinary day; however,the young generations will consider it as the Singles’ Day as well as the on-line shopping carnival. In fact, on November 11th, 20xx, Tmall and Taobao(the biggest Chinese online shopping platform) has sold out more than 35 billion Yuan goods, this data has astonished the media at home and abroad.Apparently, people have more interests on cyber shopping than spend the night with their single friends. Some home media even suggest that November 11thshould be the Chinese on-line shopping carnival.


  In 20xx, Jack Ma, the CEO of Tmall andTaobao, had coined the term “Double Eleven”, aimed to encourage the single people to do something to celebrate their own festival. Instead of datinglovers, people go on-line shopping to relive the loneliness. According to the survey, China had 564 million Internet users at the end of last year and 180 million single people. And the single people are the main force of the China’s spending power. The debut was a great success. Then “11.11” has an unusual meaning, which stands for on-line shopping carnival.


  Comparing with the traditional shopping,the cyber shopping has more distinguish features, which quite fit the young generations’ taste. People do not need to go outside, just click their mouse, the goods will be home. The best part is you can do it anywhere, anytime. All you need is acredit card. What we can predict in the future is that on-line shopping is not going to fade away, instead, it will boost like the mushrooms after springrains.



  今天我们就来看看第四部分 Short Answer Questions (15 minutes)

  Directions:There is 1 passage in this part with fivequestions or unfinished statements.Read the passage carefully.Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words(not exceeding 10 words).

  Loneliness is a curious thing. Most of us can remember feeling most lonely when we were not in fact alone at all, but when we were surrounded by people.Everyone has experienced,at some time,that utter sense of isolation that comes over youwhen you’re at a party or in an audience at a lecture.It suddenly seems to you as if everybody knows everybody else;everybody is sure of himself;everybody,that is, except you.

  This feeling of loneliness which can overcome you when you are in a crowd is very difficult to get rid of.People living alone are advised to tackle their loneliness by joining a club or a society,by going out and meeting people.Does this really help?

  There are no easy solutions.Your first day at work,or at a new school or university,is a typical situation in which you are likely to feel lonely.You feel that everybody else is full of confidence and knows what to do ,but you are adrift andhelpless.The fact of the matter is that,in order to survive,we all put on a show of self-confidence to hide our uncertainties and doubts.

  In a big city it is particularly easy to get the feeling that everybody except you is leading a full,rich,busy life. Everybody is going somewhere,and you tend toassume that they are going somewhere nice and interesting,whereas your destination is less exciting and fulfilling.

  71.What is the passage mainly about?

  72.We feel mostly lonely when we____.

  73.What do people usually do to tackle their loneliness?

  74.Why do we try to hide our sense of loneliness when we start a new job?

  75.What do you tend to assume other’s life to be when you are in a big city?お


  71. loneliness文中第一段讲Loneliness is a curious thing.第二段的中心句是 This feeling of loneliness is very difficult to get rid of .第三段讲有时孤独是很难排遣的,最后一段讲身处大城市的'人更易感到孤独,四级最后一搏---短文回答,英语方法《四级最后一搏---短文回答》。故而,孤独就是该文讲述的主题。

  72. stay with people/are surrounded by people 从第一段第二句可知答案。

  73. Joining a club or a society,going out and meeting people 从第二段第二句可知答案。

  74. In order to survive 从第三段最后一句可知答案。uncertainties and doubts就是一种孤独的感觉(sense of loneliness)

  75. Full,rich and busy从最后一段第一句可知答案


  Welcome to Germany---German Chancellor's Greetings to FIFA 20xx


  There are many dimensions to football's allure and appeal: top-class moves, thrilling goals, majestic star players, thunderous encounters and passionate fans. Football stirs the emotions all over the globe, brings people from contrasting cultures together, and promotes solid virtues such as fairness, team spirit and tolerance. All these facets will emerge in their most intense form at the 20xx FIFA World Cup in Germany next summer.

  足球的魅力是多方面的:高质量的比赛、激动人心的进球、神奇的球星、残酷的遭遇战、热情的球迷。足球激发了全球的热情,把不同文化背景的人们集合在一起,弘扬了公平、团队精神和宽容等诸多美德。所有的这些方面都会在20xx FIFA德国世界杯上强烈地表现出来。

  Millions of people will be transfixed by this unique festival of sport and friendship. We are thoroughly looking forward ro football of the highest quality. We're delighted to welcome the biggest names in the sport as well as those nations set to appear at the finals for the first time. And we're looking forward to greeting fans from all over the world as they fill our cities with even more colour and life A heartfelt welcome to everyone!


  Germany is a cosmopolitan country with a passion for football. The people will devote themselves to the job of ensuring the 20xx FJFA World Cup is an unforgettable experience, a fact demonstrated by the thousands of ordinary folk who have come forward as volunteers.

  德国是一个充满了足球激情的大国。人们忘我地工作,以确保20xx FIFA世界杯成为一次难忘的经历,事实上,成千上万的普通百姓成为了志愿者。

  Germany is well prepared to host the FJFA World Cup. We have finished constructing our new, modern stadiums and an outstanding transportation infrastructure. The organization is in the enormously capable hands of the Organizing Committee headed by Franz Beckenbauer. The slogan "A time to make friends" perfectly describes our intention to ensure everyone revels in a secure and peaceful festival of football.


  The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Germany to present herself as a hospitable, joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. I am convinced that the flames of passion and togetherness engendered by the FIFA World Cup in Germany will spread to the entire world.


  I'm personally looking forward to a festival of goals, excitement and fair play. We Germans will be right behind our national team, but our aim is to act as welcoming hosts and friends to every team and their fans. Passionate and cosmopolitan Germany is delighted to welcome visitors to the 20xx FIFA World Cup.

  我个人希望,这是一次进球、激情和公平竞赛的节日。我们德国人当然坚定支持自己国家队,但是,我们的目标是当好热情的东道主和每支球队及其球迷的朋友。充满热情、敞开怀抱的德国热烈欢迎所有参与20xx FIFA世界杯足球赛的朋友们。


  The virus, believed dead, was located in six freeze-dried and sealed vials, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

  It is said to be the first time unaccounted-for smallpox has been discovered in the US.

  The disease was officially declared eradicated in the 1980s.

  The vials appear to date from the 1950s. Upon discovery, the vials were immediately secured in a CDC-registered select agent containment laboratory in Bethesda, [Maryland], according to a CDC statement.

  There is no evidence that any of the vials labelled variola has been breached, and onsite biosafety personnel have not identified any infectious exposure risk to lab workers or the public, the statement added.

  Government agencies were notified of the discovery on 1 July, after National Institutes of Health employees discovered the vials labelled variola , also known as smallpox.

  The vials were located in an unused area of a storage room in a Food and Drug Administration laboratory on an NIH campus in Bethesda.


  阅读下面短文,从A.(Right)、B.(Wrong)、C.(Doesn’t say)三个判断中选择一个正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

  Buford is the smallest town in the US. The town is high in the mountains and it lies on the road between New York and California. The town has a beautiful view (景色 )of the Rocky Mountains. It also has very cold winters and a lot of wind. In the past, the town had almost 2,000 people. Now it is well-known in the US because it has a population ( 人口) of one person, Don Sammons.

  Don works in his own shop ten hours per day and he is also head of the town. Almost 1,000 people visit his shop every day in summer. But in winter, he has only about 100 visitors a day.

  Don has lived in the town for 32 years but he has decided to leave it now. His house and shop are for sale (出售) now. The post office and school house are for sale, too.

  You can know more about this town in a TV program. In the program, Don tells the story about the little town and welcomes everyone to Buford.

  56. Buford is a town in the mountains.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesnt say

  57. There are nearly 2,000 people living in Buford.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesnt say

  58. There are no visitors to Dons shop in winter.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesnt say

  59. Don has made up his mind to leave Buford.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesnt say

  60. The TV program about Buford lasts about an hour.

  A. Right

  B. Wrong

  C. Doesnt say


  Buford是羡国最小的镇,这个镇在山中的高处,位于纽约和加利福尼亚之间的道路上。小镇能欣赏到落基山的美景。此处的冬天十分寒冷,大风凛冽。过去,小镇将近有20xx人。现在它只有一位居民Don Sammons,小镇也因此而出名。




  56.A【精析】句意:Buford是个山中的一个小镇。是非题。从文章第一段第二句话“The town is high in the mountains”可以推断出,本题的判断是正确的。故选A。

  57.B【精析】句意:现有差不多20xx人居住在Buford镇。是非题。从文章第一段最后一句话“Now it is well—known in the US becauseit has a population of one person”可以推断出本题与原文不符。故选B。

  58.B【精析】句意:冬天没有游客光顾Don的小店。是非题。从文中第二段第三句话“But in winter,he has only about l00 visitors aday.”可以判断出,本题表述不符合原文,故选B。

  59.A【精析】句意:Don已经下定决心离开Buford镇。是非题。从文中第二段第四句“Don has lived in the town for 32 years but be decid-ed to leave it now.”可以推断出,本题的判断是正确的。





  BCADB CABDC 3.ABC means American-born Chinese.

  Because they look like Chinese but they think and do things like Americans. Because they are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Their eyes are black and their hair is black,too His nationality ia American. 4.one thousands far takes climbing enjoy early bright really visit 1.BCBCBDABDD



  Before the Rio Olympic Games came, the media reported some players that caught people’s attention. There is no doubt that these players have beautiful faces, which helps them win the attention. But the more important thing is that they are not only talented, but also work very hard.

  The chance to take part in the Olympic Games means the players are excellent and they have stood out in their countries. If they win the golden medal in the Olympic Games, they will gain great fame and money around the world. The beautiful face brings players the market potential, which means they will be famous easily, but on the condition that they are the top players. Mariah Sharapova is the best example. She is beautiful and top tennis player all the time. So ability decides our position on the society.


  The fairies1 talk to little girls.

  They push aside the golden curls,

  And whisper in a shell-pink ear,

  But what they say we cannot hear.





  We grown-ups are so tall and proud,

  And fairies hate to shout out loud.

  The fairies run along the ground,

  And baby girls can hear the sound.





  They double up, and crow, and kick,

  And beg their mothers to look quick.

  But when we look, they’ve always passed.

  The little fairies run so fast.





  The fairies stay awake all night,

  So little girls need take no fright,

  For if the night light does go out,

  They know the fairies are about,

  And they can hear their silky wings.

  They are so kind, these darling3 things!









  Self-control is essential to happiness and success.


  It is the master of all the virtues1, and has its root in self-respect. Let a man yield to his impulses and passions, and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom.


  It is the self-discipline of a man that enables him to go after success. Many of the great characters in history have shown this valuable quality. In ordinary life the application is the same. He who would lead must first command himself. The time of test is when everybody is excited or angry, duanwenw.com and then the well-balanced mind comes to the front.


  There is a very special demand for the cultivation of this quality at the present time. Young men who rush into business without education or training will do poor work. Endurance is a much better test of character than the act of heroism.


  A fair amount of self-examination is good. Self-knowledge is the key to self-control. Too much self-examination leads to morbidness; too little can lead to careless action. There are two things that will surely strengthen our self-control. One is attention to conscience5; the other is a spirit of good will. duanwenw.com The man who would succeed in any great undertaking must hold all his capabilities under perfect control; he must be disciplined to achieve greatness.



  The Color of Friendship 友谊的颜色

  Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important.The most useful.The favorite.从前,世界上的各种颜色进行过一次争吵。每一种颜色都说自己是最好的,最重要的,


  Green said: "Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees and leaves. Without me, all animals would die. Look over the countryside and you will see that I am in the majority."


  Blue interrupted: "You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace, you would all be nothing."


  Yellow chuckled: "You are all so serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Every time you look at a sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun."


  Orange started next to blow her trumpet: "I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. I carry the most important vitamins. Think of carrots, pumpkins, oranges, mangoes, and papayas. I don't hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you."


  Red could stand it no longer he shouted out: "I am the ruler of all of you. I am blood - life's blood! I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire into the blood. Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love, the red rose, the poinsettia and the poppy." 红色再也忍不下去了,他喊道:“我,是你们所有人的主宰。我是血液——生命的血液!我是危险和勇敢的颜色。我愿意为了一个目标而斗争。我把烈火带入血液。没有了我,地球会象月亮一样变得空虚。我是激情和爱的颜色,是红玫瑰、猩猩木。

  Purple rose up to his full height: He was very tall and spoke with great pomp: "I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs, and bishops have always chosen me for I am the sign of authority and wisdom. People do not question me! They listen and obey."


  Finally Indigo spoke, much more quietly than all the others, but with just as much determination: "Think of me. I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me, but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep water. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace."


  And so the colors went on boasting, each convinced of his or her own superiority. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort.


  In the midst of the clamor, rain began to speak: "You foolish colors, fighting amongst yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Don't you know that you were each made for a special purpose, unique and different? Join hands with one another and come to me."


  Doing as they were told, the colors united and joined hands. The rain continued: "From now on, when it rains, each of you will stretch across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that you can all live in peace. The Rainbow is a sign of hope for tomorrow." And so, whenever a good rain washes the world, and a Rainbow appears in the sky, let us remember to appreciate one another.



  面朝南方Facing South

  An old friend used to say to me, "When you are thinking of buying a new house, go and see it on a cloudy day. If you like it then, you need not doubt about liking it in better weather."


  We all enjoy the sun. The sun is the source of heat and life to the earth. Yet people are still to be found who deliberately shut out the sun from their rooms, and are unmindful of the Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does. In this country, especially, we know the value of "facing south".


  Are we not like houses? We have eyes instead of windows, but we face south, north, east, or west. Who does not know the men and the women facing north? Hard and cold, never letting a ray of sun-shine into their souls. They stand away from all the cheers and warmth of our poor humanity. They are the people who pour cold water on all our enthusiasms, have no faith in human nature, no sympathy with human sufferings.


  You must know such people. They are not rich people, perfectly healthy, or people without sorrows. On the contrary, they have had a full measure of misfortune. But they have never changed their outlooks4 on life, in their faith in all things working together for good, in their belief that they are in this world to help where help is needed. What a consolation5 such people are! We go to them in entire confidence. We leave them the better and the brighter, with a firmer step, and the determination to win through the difficulties. They are "facing south".




  Nipponex Electrics


  27 August,20xx

  Amperlite Ltd

  146 0’Leafy St


  Dear Sirs,

  Improved ways of production make US able to offer you our change of Drilite batteries(电池)at a reduced price for large quantities.

  Further information of the New prices for your market are sent to you together with the letter,and you will see that the price has already reduced 5 percent.As c.i.f(成本、保险加运费) to Dublin is included in our prices,you will agree that they are clearly lower than those of producers of the same batteries,both here in Japan and elsewhere.The quality of our products remains the same--only the finest chemicals are used.The new prices are for the least orders of l.000 pounds and will begin from January 1.Immediate sending off is sure because enough Can be made whenever you require it.

  We appreciate your past dealing and cooperation(合作)with us,and look forward to supplying you in the new year at the new prices.

  Yours truly,

  Nipponex Electrics

  1.If the Irish expect to enjoy the 5%of reduction at prices,they should__________.

  A.pay the Japanese at least£1,000

  B.order 1,000 pounds of batteries in weight

  C.order£1,000 worth batteries at least

  D.Pay the Japanese£1,000 ahead



  C【解析】事实细节题。从文中第二段倒数第二句,The new prices are for the least orders of l,000 pounds and will begin from January


  2.Which is NOT the reason of reduction of the price at 5 percent?

  A.The Japanese.producer holds a large quantity of stores and can’t sell them out.

  B.The Japanese have improved their production means.

  C.They can turn out more products.

  D.They expect to go on dealing with the Irish in the coming year.


  参考解析:A【解析】判断推理题。文中给出了几个原因:Improved ways of pr0·duction;turn out more products;and look forward to supplying you inthe new year at the new prices,等。文章说的是,公司有能力立即大批量的生产,而不是说由于库存过多,卖不出去才迫于降价的。所以选项A(库存太多,卖不出去)是不符合原文的意思的,故正确答案为A。

  3.From the letter,we can know__________.

  A.the two sides cooperated before

  B.the Irish should pay for the transportation fee in terms of the new price

  C.they use the best chemicals to improve the quality




  Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up.

  1. A. saw B. asked C. met 2. A. make B. do C. 1et

  3. A. someone B. nothing C. something 4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate

  5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes 6. A. in B. above C. under

  7. A. but B. or C. and 8. A. also B. never C. yet 9. A. xxx elt B. sounded C. became

  10. A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t 2 At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people’s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I’m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river 2. A. us B. them C. him D. her 3. A. great B. angry C. xxx art D. happy 4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build 5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find 6. A. how B. when C. where D. why 7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay 求解 七年级英语阅读和完形填空



  In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 51 —— 55, choose the most suitable one from the list A. - [G] to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.

  The social sciences are flourishing. As of 20xx, there were almost half a million professional social scientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science Report 20xx, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 20xx. Yet this enormous resource in not contributing enough to today s global challenges including climate change, security, sustainable development and health.

  (1)_________ Humanity has the necessary aggro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers. Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.

  (2) _________This is a shame--the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.

  Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.

  Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords "environmental changed" or "climate change" have increased rapidly since 20xx, (3)_________

  When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example. And whether the community s work contribute much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.

  The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding. (4)_________ This is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today s economic climate.

  The trick is to direct these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targe


  When Adam and Eve wereexpelledfrom Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds' nest.

  The birds were all burned to death, but a new bird was born from one of theruddilyheated eggs. This means that the unique 'Phoenix' was born.

  The phoenix builds its nest in Arabia, and there is a myth that it set fire to its own nest once every 100 years. Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.

  The phoenix flies as fast as a ray of light, its feathers are ofdazzlingbeauty, and the sound of its voice is very sweet.

  When a mother sits next to her baby's cradle and dandles the baby, the Phoenix comes down to the baby's pillow, and the glaring feathers of Phoenix make a halo around the baby's head. The phoenix flies around rooms of poor people,sprinklessunshine, and carries the fragrance of violets into the rooms.

  The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.

  On the carriage of the Greek tragic poet, Thespis, the Phoenix became atalkativecrow, for the troubadours of Island it played the harp disguised as a swan, and on the shoulder of Shakespeare the phoenix whispered "eternity" as it was the Odin's crow.

  The phoenix sang beautiful songs, and people kissed its shining fallen feathers from its wings. Even though the Phoenix came from glorious Paradise, people may not see the Phoenix because they are busy with seeingsparrows.

  The bird of the Paradise! Born once every 100 years, dies in flames! When it was born under the tree of wisdom in the garden of the Paradise, God kissed the Phoenix and gave him a name. That was "Poetry and Art".









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