
时间:2024-06-14 10:41:51 经典短文 投诉 投稿



  In the following text, some sentences have been removed. For Questions 51 —— 55, choose the most suitable one from the list A. - [G] to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices, which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET.


  The social sciences are flourishing. As of 20xx, there were almost half a million professional social scientists from all fields in the world, working both inside and outside academia. According to the World Social Science Report 20xx, the number of social-science students worldwide has swollen by about 11% every year since 20xx. Yet this enormous resource in not contributing enough to today s global challenges including climate change, security, sustainable development and health.

  (1)_________ Humanity has the necessary aggro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers. Here, too, the problems are social: the organization and distribution of food, wealth and prosperity.

  (2) _________This is a shame--the community should be grasping the opportunity to raise its influence in the real world. To paraphrase the great social scientist Joseph Schumpeter: there is no radical innovation without creative destruction.

  Today, the social sciences are largely focused on disciplinary problems and internal scholarly debates, rather than on topics with external impact.

  Analyses reveal that the number of papers including the keywords "environmental changed" or "climate change" have increased rapidly since 20xx, (3)_________

  When social scientists do tackle practical issues, their scope is often local: Belgium is interested mainly in the effects of poverty on Belgium for example. And whether the community s work contribute much to an overall accumulation of knowledge is doubtful.

  The problem is not necessarily the amount of available funding. (4)_________ This is an adequate amount so long as it is aimed in the right direction. Social scientists who complain about a lack of funding should not expect more in today s economic climate.

  The trick is to direct these funds better. The European Union Framework funding programs have long had a category specifically targe


  Editors of newspapers and magazines often go to extremes to provide their readers with unimportant facts and statistics. Last year a journalist had been instructed by a well-known magazine to write an article on the president's palace in a new African republic. When the article arrived, the editor read the first sentence and then refused to publish it. The article began: 'Hundreds of steps lead to the high wall which surrounds the president's palace.' The editor at once

  sent the journalist a fax instructing him to find out the exact number of steps and the height of the wall.

  The journalist immediately set out to obtain these important facts, but he took a long time to send them. Meanwhile, the editor was getting impatient, for the magazine would soon go to press. He sent the journalist two urgent telegrams, but received no reply. He sent yet another telegram informing the journalist that if he did not reply soon he would be fired. When the journalist again failed to reply, the editor reluctantly published the article as it had originally been written. A week later, the editor at last received a telegram from the journalist. Not only had the poor man been arrested, but he had been sent to prison as well. However, he had at last been allowed to send a cable in which he informed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the 15-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace.








  因此,在教学实践中,我尝试在五年级的学生中开展英语短文的阅读教学和阅读训练。为什么要在小学阶段进行专题的英语阅读的训练呢?首先我们来谈谈什么是阅读理解。阅读理解是读者从语篇中获取信息的过程。著名语言学家Christine Nuttall认为,作者将自己头脑中的信息编码(encoding),形成语篇(text),读者再把语篇解码,获取信息。作者要把他头脑里的信息(一个主意,一个事实或一种情感)传达出去,让别人理解,他首先必须把信息形诸于文字,即编码,作者亦被称为编码者。作者一旦完成了编码过程,信息就以语篇的形式存在于作者的头脑之外。阅读过程则是一个解码过程。作者要传达的信息进入读者头脑,交际过程随之完成。但是,交际过程并非如此简单,因为在交际的各个环节中都可能出现“故障”,致使交际中断,信息无法传递。信息在从作者的头脑到达读者的头脑里的过程中,若干因素会影响读者接受信息。这些因素被心理学家们称之为变量。 “文字含义并不是仅仅存在于文本中的符号,被动地等待读者吸收。阅读者必须积极投入其中,努力挖掘它的'含义” 由此我们可以理解到在阅读过程中,语言材料和读者是交互作用的。文字含义既不存在于语篇(text)之中,也不存在于读者之内,它产生于两者相互作用之中。在英语阅读过程中,存在着若干变量( variables),这些变量无疑都会对阅读理解产生影响。五年级的学生学习英语已有一段时间了,他们的听说读写能力也有了一定的基础,开展阅读教学和阅读训练不但能关注每个学生情感,激发他们学习英语的兴趣,还能帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素养,增强实践能力,培养创新精神。


  进入了五年级,课文从原来简短的对话一下子转换成较长的具有故事性的短文。而每个模块的Unit2 则出现了50个词左右的小短文,学习的要求从简单的听读提高到阅读理解短文内容并就课后提出的问题作出书面或口头的回答。由于每课出现的问题有5-6个,有一般疑问句也有特殊疑问句,学生们一下子适应不了,觉得英语真难啊。个别学生还出现了抗拒的心理,说什么也不愿意开口读,动手写。

  分析了学生学习的心理和学习的方法后,我马上调整了教学计划,在讲授新课的同时注重这两种句式的运用和分析。通过口头的、书面的练习、学生们对问句的形式及回答的方式都做到心中有数。其方法如下:一、准确理解疑问词―― 准确理解疑问词是解答好提问的关键。要想准确回答特殊疑问句,则必须首先弄清楚各个特殊疑问词的意思。如果指人要用who,若指物就用what;指年龄用how old,指时间用what time 、 when;若问 “数量”用how many(可数)或how much(不可数);指地点用where,指原因用why,指程度用how等等。 二,一般疑问句的回答方式―― 一般疑问句的回答方式比较特别,学生们通过形式多样的练习得出:以Yes / No,作开头,回答时要含有问句的第一个词或是回应问题的中心词。如:Did Tom play football yesterday? 回答时可用:Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. 回答从简单的Yes / No,到规范的Yes, he did. / No, he didn’t. 再到No, he played basketball.逐步发展学生的英语运用能力。

  在学习Sam ate six hamburgers中。我设置了以下的问题:

  ( 1 ) Who ate six hamburgers?

  ( 2 ) Did Lingling eat any hamburgers?

  ( 3 ) Does she like hamburgers?

  ( 4 ) What did they give to Sam?

  ( 5 ) What is Mum going to cook tonight?

  通过以上的训练,学生们在回答问题时会分析问题中一般疑问句的有( 2 ) Did Lingling eat any hamburgers? ( 3 ) Does she like hamburgers?;特殊疑问句的是( 1 ) Who ate six hamburgers? ( 4 ) What did they give to Sam?( 5 ) What is Mum going to cook tonight?。针对各种问题的回答方式,他们就会很轻松地回答:

  ( 1 ) Who ate six hamburgers?

  Sam. / Sam ate six hamburgers.

  ( 2 ) Did Lingling eat any hamburgers?

  No, she didn’t. / No, she ate a sandwich.

  ( 3 ) Does she like hamburgers?

  No, she doesn’t. / No.

  ( 4 ) What did they give to Sam?

  They gave their hamburgers to Sam. / Hamburgers.

  ( 5 ) What is Mum going to cook tonight?

  She is going to cook Chinese food tonight. / Chinese food.



  (1) 导读(Pre-reading)

  “导”体现的是“以教师为主导”。教师在学生阅读课文之前可适当的讲解与本课有关的背景知识;也可以充分利用文中的插图进行导读语言设计。通过warm-up activities扫除文中可能出现的语言障碍(但有些生词词义应该鼓励学生从所学的同义词、英语短语中猜测),还可以提出一些问题。目的是激发学生阅读的兴趣和求知的欲望,并使学生初步感知课文内容,为正式阅读作了准备。例如在教授Module 7 Community. He can’t see. 我利用实物投影出示了狗帮助人类的两幅图片。

  T: Look at these pictures, please! Who helps the man?

  Ss: A dog.

  T: Can the man see?

  Ss: No, he can’t.

  T: Yes, the man is blind. What about the girl? Can she hear ?

  Ss: A dog helps her. She can’t hear.

  T: Good. The girl can’t hear, she’s deaf. The dogs are very useful.

  通过对话不仅使学生了解了本文主要谈论的是狗是人类的朋友,也从彩图中领略到哪些人需要得到狗的帮助及本课的一些新词 can’t see : blind, can’t hear: deaf。

  (2) 速读(Fast-reading)

  这一步骤主要是指导学生带着问题进行搜索式阅读和跳跃式的阅读(Skimming and Scanning),以获取有关信息,了解文章大义。然后让学生回答有关问题,或让学生做正误判断练习,以检查学生的理解程度。

  例如:Module 6 Self-assessment

  ① Lingling wants to be in the football team(T)

  ② She can’t run fast. (T)

  ③ She was good at football in China. (F) …

  (3)细读(Intensive reading)


  例如:在细读 You can play football well 之后涉及的一道题中。

  Lingling was a good ______ player in China.

  A. the high jump B. basketball C. football

  正确答案应选B。而选A向的同学仅9.4%选C的占75%。当提醒学生在注意原文中的句子“You were very good at basketball in China.”其中的you指的就是 Lingling时,学生才恍然大悟。教师乘机告诉学生,读的过程中要仔细分析字里行间的意思在下结论。


  Bolinger & Sear 在“Aspects of language”一书(1981.2)中说语言是思维的重要工具,也是一个人的语言运用水平和交际的能力。传统的教学中使大多数学生听得懂说不出。因此,在整体理解课文的基础上,通过一连串的听说活动深化对语言的理解, 然后开展运用语言的活动,把理解和运用有机的结合起来。

  1)单人或双人活动(Individual or Pair work)

  为了巩固学生所学的知识,及时检查学生对课文理解的程度。速读和细读之后组织学生一人或两人一组的活动。教师问,学生答,或学生一人问一人答。这能使学生掌握文章的事实和细节。还可鼓励学生分析主题句,归纳段落大意,中心思想等。例如:What’s the main idea of the text? / What does it talk about?

  2)小组讨论与回答(Discussion & Respond)

  Module 8 Unit 2为例。教师提出问题,Did Lingling write a letter to Daming? / Did she go to Amy’s school? / Did they have class at nine? / Did they do exercises? / Did the bell ring at eight?…让学生在小组内自由回答或讨论答案。让学生通过回答问题和讨论答案初步了解课文的意思。教师在听学生回答问题的过程中也可以弄清学生的薄弱环节。这样的阅读训练,就能有的放矢,既不浪费时间,又能吸引学生的注意力。学生在解答问题的同时,阅读能力和口语能力都得到了锻炼。同时也提高了学生的逻辑思维能力和语言运用能力。通过小组学习、自我学习、教师辅助学习等形式,让学生明白到课文的理解并不是逐字逐句的译成中文,而是理解关键的词组和了解短文的大意。并指导学生在做题之前先观察问题的类型,从问句中找出关键词,再从原文中找出相应的句子,分析、综合之后再做题。


  此外我还注意因学生特点实施教学。学生的发展状况受先天遗传和后天环境、教育的影响,在学习英语知识、培养技能和能力的认知过程中存在着认知的个别差异。认知差异既体现在认知能力方面,也体现在认知风格上,学生的发展因此呈现出丰富多彩的特点。通过因材施教使全体学生的素质得到全面发展,为全面提高英语教学质量提供重要保证。在教学中要充分发挥学生的主体作用,使他们排除心理障碍,建立信心,提高学习兴趣,改进学习方法。同时,在教学中要发挥教师的指导作用,组织好课内外各种活动和指导学生学习英语的方法,为他们选材、解疑,帮助他们养成良好的学习习惯和培养自学能力,从而保持高昂的学习积极性。在英语阅读教学中,介绍阅读内容和文化背景,精心设计好各类问题,逐步加深理解。引导学生对文章内容进行预测,激发学生阅读的欲望,在分析问题的过程中获得知识。在阅读时,教师要引导学生唤起想象与抽象思维更好地协同活动, 语言知识的讲解要适度,操练要结合语境,使文章内容更有生动现实感,使学生有身临其境的感觉,这样就能提高阅读效果。




  There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream;go where you want to go;be what you want to be,because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,enough trials to make you strong,enough sorrow to keep you human,enough hope to make you happy? Always put yourself in others’shoes.If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person, too.The happiest of people don’t necessarily have the best of everything;they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.Happiness lies for those who cry,those who hurt, those who have searched,and those who have tried,for only they can appreciate the importance of people.who have touched their lives.Love begins with a smile,grows with a kiss and ends with a tear.The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past, you can’t go on well in lifeuntil you let go of your past failures and heartaches.

  When you were born,you were crying and everyone around you was smiling.Live your life so that when you die,you're the one who is smiling and everyone around you is crying.Please send this message to those people who mean something to you,to those who have touched your life in one way or another,to those who make you smile when you really need it,to those that make you see the brighter side of things when you are really down,to those who you want to let them know that you appreciate their friendship.And if you don’t, don’t worry,nothing bad will happen to you,you will just miss out on the opportunity to brighten someone’s day with this message.


  Bing in love

  Love starts as an attraction to another. Love grows with mutual respect. Love thrives on confidence and dignity. Love survives on wisdom and honor.

  New love, stirs the emotions, moves the soul and fires the blood setting hearts aflame. Love of amate provides us with another soul to feel kinship, with someone to share life with, someone tobe loved, in spite of shortcomings and human frailties. Someone to recall the past with, to dreamwith. Someone with whom silence is comfortable. Another soul on the earth who is in tune withyours . Someone who cares deeply about your well being and who in turn is cared for by you…just as deeply.

  Someone whose happiness means as much, if not more than your own . Someone to place your trust in without fear of betrayal .Not having to worry when you’re apart, because you are secure in the knowledge that they will honor the love you share. Someone to helpfully grow old beside, to share the winter of life with, while recalling the summer of your dreams .

  A lover is someone who, with a look, can touch your heart, ease your mind and bring comfort to your soul.

  A lover is someone who, with a look, can touch your heart, ease your mind and bring comfort to your soul. Someone whose voice is music to your ear. Someone who by just entering a room makes your heart soar and joy fill your being, makes you want to touch them, be close to them. Who can turn your blood to molten fire with desire, their presence being food for your soul. Someone for whom your love grows stronger not weaker with the passing years. Someone who is willing to talk out problems and share concerns, not look for an easy way out if all does not go just as expected.

  Someone to share all thing with: tenderness, passion, warmth, dreams and desire, laughter and tears but mostly life’s journey. A casually dropped piece of clothing can bring your love to mind as the scent of them clings, and turns your thoughts to love, as pleasant memories collect to be reviewed at leisure.

  Love of a partner requires long-term commitment and wisdom and above all, work from both partners to nourish and nurture that love into a living growing thing. Without nourishment, all things die, even love.

  Do not easily discard love, for the day may come when love, in turn, discards you. Place a high value in this the most precious of life’s joys. Some never find this treasure, many find and lose it through no fault of their own.. Some discard it lightly as if it were of little value and easily replaced. The ability to love and be loved is the most precious of gifts given to man, and as such should be highly treasured.

  Love has the real power to make man come bake to life . —— Goethe

  1. mutual 相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的

  Other organizations have joined the confederation for mutual benefit.


  2. kinship n. 血缘关系,亲属关系,亲密关系

  I feel a strong kinship with him.


  3. betrayal n. 背叛,暴露

  Confession is not betrayal.


  4. recall vt. 回想起

  I can't recall how long it has been.


  5. tenderness n.娇嫩;柔软;温柔

  I dare not touch the flower for its tenderness.


  6. scent n. 气味,香味

  The scent of the flowers was wafted along by the breeze.


  7. nourishment n. 营养,滋养品,养料

  He told me I wanted nourishment.


  8. discard vt.丢弃,抛弃

  He discarded his winter clothing.









  爱是使人复苏的真正动力。 ——歌德


  The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening. At this time of the morning, the arcade was almost empty. Mr Taylor, the owner of a jewellery shop was admiring a new window display. Two of his assistants had been working busily since 8 o'clock and had only just finished. Diamond necklaces and rings had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet. After gazing at the display for several minutes, Mr Taylor went back into his shop.

  The silence was suddenly broken when a large car, with its headlights on and its horn blaring, roared down the arcade. It came to a stop outside the jeweler's. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars. While this was going on, Mr Taylor was upstairs. He and his staff began throwing furniture out of the window. Chairs and tables went flying into the arcade. One of the thieves was struck by a heavy statue, but he was too busy helping himself to diamonds to notice any pain. The raid was all over in three minutes, for the men scrambled back into the car and it moved off at a fantastic speed. Just as it was leaving, Mr Taylor rushed out and ran after it throwing ashtrays and vases, but it was impossible to stop the thieves. They had got away with thousands of pounds worth of diamonds.




  Party? No, the star of Transformers and the new Indiana Jones film would rather work


  Shia LaBeouf, the star of last summer's hit film Transformers, didn't enjoy a privileged childhood like many other child actors. Growing up in an impoverished Los Angeles neighborhood, Shia acted in order to earn money. His first acting experiences were performing as a clown with his parents to sell hot dogs. He never imagined acting would earn him the opportunity to star with Harrison Ford in the upcoming indiana Jones movie.

  Shia comes from five generations of performers. Among his grandparents are a comedian and a poet. His mother danced ballet until an injury forced her to stop. Shia's father worked as a clown, but he also battled drug addictions. Unfortunately, his parents divorces when Shia was in elementary shcool.

  Shia began acting to help earn money for his mother, whom he lived with after the divorce. At age10, he got a job as a comedian, and, at 13, he won a starring role in a Disney television series. It was the 20xx movie Holes, however, that played the most important role in Shia's early career.

  Word Bank:

  privileged (a) 享有优势地位的;接受特殊待遇的

  Sam has the privileged position of being president of the student body.

  upcoming (a) 即将来临的'

  Aunt Betty is baking our favorite dish for the upcoming family reunion.

  comedian (n) 喜剧演员

  This comedian wasn't very funny. I didn't laugh at many of his jokes.

  divorce (v) 离婚

  I'm proud of my parents, who never divorced even when times were difficult.


  Hi, welcome to Faith Radio Online-Simply to Relax, I’m Faith. I realized a few years ago why we all need to climb a mountain every now and then. When we climb mountains, face challenges, hurdle1 obstacles and learn from difficult situations we remind ourselves that we have the strength, power and energy to overcome life's challenges. At first even a little mountain may seem like a big insurmountable mountain. But when you step back and climb it you realize, "I can do this." You realize within you is a source of strength, power and energy that you didn't know you had. After all, the mountain, no matter how big it is, is no match for your focused energy and desire to climb it. Mountains are meant to be climbed. Wounds are meant to be healed and problems are meant to become learning experiences. They all serve a purpose. They make us stronger mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So, here we are, in front of us is that mountain, don’t hesitate, just go ahead and climb it, climb that mountain.






























  The Three Ways of Man to Preserve Meat

  Finding enough meat was a problem for primitive man.Keeping it for times when it was scarce was just as hard.Three ways were found to keep meat from spoiling:salting,drying,and freezing.

  People near salty waters salted their meat.At first they probably rubbed dry salt on it,but this preserved only the outside.Later they may have pickled their meat by soaking it in salt water.

  In hot,dry lands,men found that they could eat meat that had dried while it was still on the bones.They later learned to cut meat into thin strips and hang it up to dry in the hot air.

  Men in cold climates found that frozen meat did not spoil.They could leave their meat outside and eat it when they pleased.







  面朝南方Facing South

  An old friend used to say to me, "When you are thinking of buying a new house, go and see it on a cloudy day. If you like it then, you need not doubt about liking it in better weather."


  We all enjoy the sun. The sun is the source of heat and life to the earth. Yet people are still to be found who deliberately shut out the sun from their rooms, and are unmindful of the Italian saying that where the sun does not go the doctor does. In this country, especially, we know the value of "facing south".


  Are we not like houses? We have eyes instead of windows, but we face south, north, east, or west. Who does not know the men and the women facing north? Hard and cold, never letting a ray of sun-shine into their souls. They stand away from all the cheers and warmth of our poor humanity. They are the people who pour cold water on all our enthusiasms, have no faith in human nature, no sympathy with human sufferings.


  You must know such people. They are not rich people, perfectly healthy, or people without sorrows. On the contrary, they have had a full measure of misfortune. But they have never changed their outlooks4 on life, in their faith in all things working together for good, in their belief that they are in this world to help where help is needed. What a consolation5 such people are! We go to them in entire confidence. We leave them the better and the brighter, with a firmer step, and the determination to win through the difficulties. They are "facing south".



  When Adam and Eve wereexpelledfrom Eden, there was an incident when the flames of a blazing sword of an angel, who had sent them away, burned a birds' nest.

  The birds were all burned to death, but a new bird was born from one of theruddilyheated eggs. This means that the unique 'Phoenix' was born.

  The phoenix builds its nest in Arabia, and there is a myth that it set fire to its own nest once every 100 years. Among those ruddy eggs heated by the fire, a new Phoenix comes to be born again.

  The phoenix flies as fast as a ray of light, its feathers are ofdazzlingbeauty, and the sound of its voice is very sweet.

  When a mother sits next to her baby's cradle and dandles the baby, the Phoenix comes down to the baby's pillow, and the glaring feathers of Phoenix make a halo around the baby's head. The phoenix flies around rooms of poor people,sprinklessunshine, and carries the fragrance of violets into the rooms.

  The phoenix stays not only in Arabia but it flies around the far North Pole, broad field, above the rivers where the sunshine falls in coal mines and in our front yards where beautiful flowers bloom.

  On the carriage of the Greek tragic poet, Thespis, the Phoenix became atalkativecrow, for the troubadours of Island it played the harp disguised as a swan, and on the shoulder of Shakespeare the phoenix whispered "eternity" as it was the Odin's crow.

  The phoenix sang beautiful songs, and people kissed its shining fallen feathers from its wings. Even though the Phoenix came from glorious Paradise, people may not see the Phoenix because they are busy with seeingsparrows.

  The bird of the Paradise! Born once every 100 years, dies in flames! When it was born under the tree of wisdom in the garden of the Paradise, God kissed the Phoenix and gave him a name. That was "Poetry and Art".


  Before the Rio Olympic Games came, the media reported some players that caught people’s attention. There is no doubt that these players have beautiful faces, which helps them win the attention. But the more important thing is that they are not only talented, but also work very hard.

  The chance to take part in the Olympic Games means the players are excellent and they have stood out in their countries. If they win the golden medal in the Olympic Games, they will gain great fame and money around the world. The beautiful face brings players the market potential, which means they will be famous easily, but on the condition that they are the top players. Mariah Sharapova is the best example. She is beautiful and top tennis player all the time. So ability decides our position on the society.





  BCADB CABDC 3.ABC means American-born Chinese.

  Because they look like Chinese but they think and do things like Americans. Because they are born in America and they live in America for a long time. Their eyes are black and their hair is black,too His nationality ia American. 4.one thousands far takes climbing enjoy early bright really visit 1.BCBCBDABDD




  Mr. Johnson had a factory. He once 1 on TV that animals could be taught to 2 some work for people if they were given 3 to eat. He loved the idea. He thought it would be 4 to have a dog look after his 5 and an elephant do some heavy jobs 6 his factory. He bought a dog 7 an elephant in the market and decided to teach them to do some work for him. Of course. he 8 bought a lot of food for them. Several months later,the dog and the elephant 9 fatter and fatter,but they 10 do any work for him. At last,Mr. Johnson had to give up.

  1. A. saw B. asked C. met 2. A. make B. do C. 1et

  3. A. someone B. nothing C. something 4. A. bad B. good C. 1ate

  5. A. house B. shirt C. eyes 6. A. in B. above C. under

  7. A. but B. or C. and 8. A. also B. never C. yet 9. A. xxx elt B. sounded C. became

  10. A. mustn’t B. couldn’t C. shouldn’t 2 At our school, we sometimes have a special day to help others. Last year we went to an old people’s 1 and sang songs and performed a play for 2 . The old people were very 3 . We should be allowed to take time to do things like that more often. For example, we should 4 primary schools and help 5 young students. I want to be a teacher 6 I’m older so it would be a great experience for me. Other students would like to do other jobs. For example, my friend Tian Ge wants to 7 for a newspaper. She should be allowed to volunteer at the newspaper office once a week. 1. A. home B. bank C. shop D. river 2. A. us B. them C. him D. her 3. A. great B. angry C. xxx art D. happy 4. A. buy B. have C. visit D. build 5. A. tell B. ask C. teach D. find 6. A. how B. when C. where D. why 7. A. write B. wait C. look D. pay 求解 七年级英语阅读和完形填空











