
时间:2024-09-17 13:44:55 林惜 小学日记 投诉 投稿
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  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 1



  Today is the last day of the holiday. Its also the day when I practice zither.

  I took the nails out of the box. I was gluing them one by one, and then I began to play the zither. The name of a song is ziyouhua. I was teaching me to play last week. After I finished playing, the teacher said that I played very well. The teacher taught me new songs. After playing for a while, I will practice the songs that the teacher taught me.

  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 2

  Today, I saw a sister playing the guzheng at Yinqiao Piano Shop. That music is really beautiful, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, sometimes light and sometimes heavy. I envy it and also want to learn to play the guzheng.

  The next day, I told my mom about this matter. My mother readily agreed, and I was overjoyed.

  I started learning, and my mother hired a teacher to teach me how to play Guzheng. The teacher taught me the notes first, and I studied diligently. And so, day after day, I soon learned to play simple music. I played it for my mom, and she said repeatedly, "Okay, okay..." But after a while, my hands hurt a lot. It turns out that playing the guzheng also requires covering my fingernails. I only packed one, but I dont know how to. The teacher said, "Ill teach you a trick. You bring your crooked fingernails to your thumb and then..." I listened attentively. But I still cant bring it, so I dont want to learn anymore.

  My mother seemed to have seen through my thoughts and encouraged me, Child, perseverance to the end is victory. So, I started learning again, and after repeated practice, I finally learned how to teach.

  I smiled happily, my face as radiant as a flower. Mom also smiled happily. There is approval in the smile.

  The music of Guzheng brings me endless joy.

  Its great to learn how to play the Guzheng.








  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 3

  I believe many people will encounter many problems in learning skills. As the saying goes, never change without its roots. Today, I will share my experience with you!

  At first, whenever I saw my classmates playing flowing music on stage, I always felt envious. If only I had a family to play guzheng.

  In the summer of the second year, during the first week of my vacation, I saw a sudden addition of guzheng at home and couldnt wait to ask my mom. She said, "Youre going to have guzheng class tomorrow, please prepare yourself

  On the first day of class, I almost fainted when I saw this long string of "astronomical numbers". I learned bit by bit, but made mistakes again and again, which made me lose confidence. I thought to myself: This is too difficult, why dont we give up?

  But when I saw other classmates persisting, I also dispelled the idea in my heart.

  After playing for a year, I began to regain my confidence and gradually became proficient. My piano skills also improved day by day, and my efforts have led me to take the CET-7 exam soon!

  Whenever I listen to beautiful music, I always thank myself for persevering and giving.








  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 4

  She is an ordinary girl with a round face, small eyes, and shiny black hair. She doesnt look tall.

  She loves playing the guzheng and is often talked about in school. For example, she has won another award, she is going to a competition again... She is still the class monitor of our class.

  I remember one Sunday, she made an appointment with her classmates to attend a birthday party. But when it was time, the classmates waited and waited for her, but she still hadnt come. After a long time, they didnt even see her figure. A classmate said, "How could the class monitor break his promise? The class monitor is someone who keeps his word." The classmate quickly went to her house and found her room. She was playing the guzheng and asked, "Class monitor, why havent you come to my birthday party yet?" She quickly replied, "Im sorry, Im about to have a guzheng competition, so Ive been practicing guzheng all along. Im really sorry

  You should have guessed who that girl is! Yes, its me, someone who is full of expectations for myself.





  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 5

  Hello everyone, I am Guzheng. At first, at the Guzheng store. Until one day, a child started learning Guzheng and bought me home.

  My body is very long, like a rectangle, but not a standard rectangle. For a rectangle, the four corners are circles. There are many beautiful patterns on my face, and because of my good looks and tone, the little master bought me home. I can play many beautiful songs, but my best song is Red Flower of Shandan Dan , which I have called many times. Whenever the young master talks about this song, it attracts the attention of many people, and I feel extremely proud.

  I am made of camphor tree and have 21 strings made of iron wire. The lower the string, the thicker the string. Once, the little master broke one of my strings while pulling me. I felt very painful at the time, thinking that the head of the household didnt want me anymore, but a few days later, the head of the household replaced me with a new string. Originally, the little master didnt want me anymore, but he still loved me all the time. It was just that he accidentally used too much force and broke it. I am what I am. do you like me?




  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 6

  Once when I went to learn sketching, I accidentally saw the words "guzheng" and said to my mother, "Mom, I want to learn guzheng." My mother agreed to my request and took me to a class. The teacher thought I had a talent for guzheng, so she enrolled me in a guzheng class.

  But when I went there again, I was dumbfounded. It turned out that guzheng is not that simple. It requires attention to finger techniques. Speed and posture. In the Guzheng music collection, it seems that I only practice playing a few pieces proficiently.

  In addition, my parents go on business trips every day, and I cant play a few times a week. At that time, I was discouraged and felt like I was exaggerating. Later, I told my teacher about it, and the teacher comforted me, Its okay, lets take it slow. If you dont have time to play, then well learn slower..

  Learning something well is not about speed, but about proficiency and precision I deeply remember this sentence in my heart. Because of this sentence, I will continue to learn Guzheng. When I reached the third level, I was very happy!

  I only now understand. The guzheng is so useful to me. To do something well, its not just about speed.






  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 7

  In life, besides studying, I also have a hobby - playing the Guzheng. Whenever I finish my homework and come to the guzheng, I play music to my hearts content. But learning to play a piece of music is not an easy task.

  Once, while playing the guzheng, I heard a loud bang and one of the strings broke. I was instantly anxious, both angry and anxious. I thought to myself: What should I do? At this moment, I had an idea and quickly opened the piano lid, searching inside and finally found the broken string. I installed the strings and started playing again. It went smoothly this time, and a satisfied smile appeared on my face

  I play like this every day, every month. Finally, one day, my teacher asked me to participate in a competition. From preliminary to semi-final. What makes me even happier is that the judges gave me the highest score in the semi-finals. As soon as I heard this news, I jumped three feet high and was extremely happy. But I cant be proud because there is a final waiting for me ahead. I must work hard and wait for first prize in the final to win honor for myself.

  I enjoy playing the guzheng. Learning the guzheng brings me joy and will accompany me for a lifetime.





  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 8

  Music is the twinkling stars on the sky; Music is a colorful light, shining with the sunshine of happiness; Music is like a drop of rain, filled with the joy of love!

  Im going to a guzheng class with a few very good friends, and Im both excited and nervous.

  Its time for class. Teacher Wang gave each of us a book, nail molds, and adhesive tape, wrapped our thumbs tightly, and said, "This way, our fingers wont hurt anymore

  The teacher first asked us to play Hand in Hand. I have practiced countless times, but I still cant play well. My mother is also very nervous because the teacher will arrange for two people to go up and play later. I calmed my heart and sang the score in my heart. After 30 minutes of effort, I finally learned to play.

  When it was time for the random exam, the two teachers called out the students in the order on the table. I was still far away on the 20th. I continued singing the lyrics again, waiting and waiting, finally it was my turn. I took a deep breath and finished playing Hand in Hand. The whole class applauded, and the teacher gave me a kitten card as a prize. I was extremely happy.

  I understand: as long as you work hard, there is nothing that cannot be achieved.







  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 9

  In the morning, playing the guzheng with "fun", it seems like the sun is sleeping in and unwilling to get up all the time. And for me, I woke up early, had breakfast, and started playing the guzheng.

  As I bounced around, I accidentally noticed that my room was much brighter. Looking aside, Sun Gong stretched lazily and slowly got up. He noticed me and stared at me in surprise for a while. When I played slowly, Sun thought I was playing a lullaby and yawned, blinking his eyes. Do you know what hes up to? Its simple, he wants to sleep. After finishing speaking, I closed my eyes and sweetly fell asleep, having a beautiful dream. Suddenly, the lullaby turned into a crazy tune, and the Sun suddenly woke up, rubbed his eyes, and said in a daze, "Ah, the crazy tune is really bad, lets change the tune!" In a blink of an eye, it turned into a lullaby again. The Sun carefully looked at it, and my hand was like a bouncy king, lifting it up and down with gentle movements. After listening for a while, Grandpa Sun clapped his hands and jumped, shouting, "Okay, okay, great, great

  The sun god saw me working so hard and danced excitedly. I saw the fruits of labor and smiled happily. Ding, Dong, Ding Ding, Dong Dong, the beautiful sound of the qin echoes in the ears of the Sun God.




  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 10

  Everyone has their own abilities, and I am no exception. When I was very young, I saw my cousin playing the Guzheng, and the sound was so beautiful. I envied my parents for saying that I also wanted to learn Guzheng, and they agreed.

  At first, I was full of confidence and thought playing the Guzheng was very simple. When I went to Guzheng class for the first time, the teacher asked me to practice. At first, I felt very fresh and did whatever the teacher said? But as I practiced, I started to get bored and became weak. After class, I went straight outside like a running rabbit. I told my mom, "I dont want to learn Guzheng anymore, I dont want to learn it anymore." My mom said earnestly, "You cant be discouraged in doing things, you have to persevere in order to succeed." After her repeated advice, I started learning Guzheng again. By now, I have become proficient and have reached the seventh level, and every time I take the exam, I am excellent!

  Learning Guzheng this time not only taught me to persevere and not be discouraged in order to achieve good results, but also made me love Guzheng even more!




  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 11

  I have been learning to play the Guzheng since kindergarten, and this summer I will be taking the Guzheng Level 5 exam.

  Until now, I still remember the first time I came into contact with the guzheng. At that time, I was learning dance from Teacher Yang. After class, I suddenly heard a melodious sound that was like flowing water in my ears. I was intoxicated by the sound of the qin and refused to leave for a long time. Following the sound of the qin, I arrived at the entrance of a small room and looked inside. A teacher was guiding students to play the qin, and the moving sound flowed from this qin. I immediately fell in love with it.

  Every day, I put on my nails and play the strings. The sound of the piano changes from intermittent to a cheerful flowing stream, from a dry river to a cascading waterfall. I have put in a lot of effort, and there have been times when I felt disgusted and wanted to give up, but when I lightly touched the strings, the sound flowed like "the big strings make a loud noise like a sudden rain, the small strings whisper like a whisper. The noise is mixed and mixed, and the big and small beads fall onto the jade plate." Then, I had the motivation to persevere.

  Nowadays, I often play a light tune at home. My parents often say that after listening to my guzheng music, all my troubles will disappear. Therefore, in the future, I must practice harder and play better tunes.





  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 12

  I really enjoy playing the guzheng, do you know why? Because I often listen to music played on the guzheng at home, such as "Purple Bamboo Tune", "Chrysanthemum Terrace", and so on. Each elegant and classical piece of music is really pleasant to listen to.

  My mother also enrolled me in a Guzheng class, and every time I go to the music store to play a piece. My teacher taught me many techniques: when playing a glissando, I need to first hold down a string with my left hand and then play it. When playing the up slide, it is exactly opposite to the down slide. There is also vibrato. First, use your left hand to play a note, and then press it down with your right hand to play beautiful music.

  Once, my grandparents went to a music store to listen to me play the guzheng. I played Little Star for them, and classical music was played from the guzheng. Although my left hand leaves a line mark when pressing "4" and "7", which is a bit painful, I am still happy because I have learned new knowledge. The next song Thrushcross Jumping on the Frame, because I just learned it, I cant play it smoothly. After multiple practice sessions, I am finally able to play it smoothly. I used to think playing this song was very difficult, but now I realize that practice makes perfect. Grandparents listened and clapped their hands repeatedly, with continuous applause.

  I think: as long as you dont give up and practice diligently, you will definitely achieve results.





  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 13

  Oh me! There is a short, shiny black hair, a round face with a hint of white and red, and a pair of watery big eyes embedded under willow leaf eyebrows.

  I am a girl who combines stillness and movement. When quiet, play the Guzheng; When Im in motion, I practice taekwondo, but my favorite is still the guzheng! My wall is full of photos taken secretly by my mother while I was playing the guzheng, recording every little bit of me. In the photo, I hum a tune when Im happy, play with a straight face when Im sad, and stomp my feet and pout when Im angry... Whenever Im sad or upset, I always rush to the study to play the guzheng. The guzheng can take all my sadness and troubles away, so that all my troubles disappear.

  Guzheng immerses me in the world of music, and every practice brings me warmth and happiness. Although I may find it difficult to practice new pieces, I still enjoy practicing them endlessly.

  Guzheng is like reading different books. According to different songs, it takes me to different worlds. Sometimes it takes me to a quiet stream, sometimes it takes me to a wide grassland, and sometimes it takes me to a magnificent waterfall

  This is me, a girl who loves playing Guzheng!






  小学三年级英语日记带翻译弹古筝 14

  My extracurricular life is as colorful as the stars in the sky. I like taekwondo, cartoon drawing, flute, Latin dance, but I still love playing the guzheng the most!

  Once, I saw someone playing the guzheng and thought it looked so beautiful! Sure enough, two days later on a Sunday, I successfully enrolled in Guzheng class. I was both happy and excited, like a rabbit.

  Today is my first guzheng class, and Im a little nervous... I dont know if the teacher is fierce or not? Can I play well?

  Its time for class, and I found a seat. The teacher introduced me and said, "My surname is Chen. Everyone can call me Teacher Chen." At this moment, I finally felt relieved after listening to the tone of the teachers voice.

  I started teaching piano, but I always couldnt play it well, so I decided to give up. Just then, Teacher Chen said, "Its okay, take it slow. As long as you dont give up, everything will succeed!" I was deeply encouraged and prepared to practice hard.

  Now, I have been studying for three years and can participate in competitions!

  I believe that as long as you dont give up, your dreams will eventually come true!
















