
时间:2024-07-09 09:10:39 教学资源 投诉 投稿






  本单元学习一般现在时和现在完成时的用法,其话题是“谈论怎样学习”围绕学生自己的学习方法“I study by doing …”展开,使学生通过听力训练,针对学习中的困难给别人提出建议,并对别人的.学习方法做出评价,使学生在学习的过程中能够借鉴别人成功的学习方法。










  教师准备:多媒体课件、录音机。 学生准备:收集学英语的方法。 教学步骤

  Step 1: Lead in

  Let several students talk about their ways to study English one by one . A: I study by working with a group.

  B: I study by listening to tapes.

  C: I study by making flashcards.

  Step 2: Listening

  Task 1: Listening(1b)

  Before listening . Ask students to look at the pictures from a to c carefully and try to express how these students study for a test. Picture a: She studies by making flashcards. Picture b: He studies by listening to tapes. Picture c: He studies by asking the teacher for help. While listening . Students try to grasp the details and write letters from the pictures above. Then check the answers together.(It’s easy for students to find the right answers.)



  After listening . Ask students to recite the target languages and then act them out . Model :

  S1: How does Mei study for a test ? S2: She studies by … Task 2: Listening (2a,2b)

  Before listening . Ask the students to look at the picture and answer the teacher’s question . T : What are doing ? Ss: …

  Ask students to read questions from 1 to 5 and answer from a to d and pay attention to the structures of the sentences . While listening . Ask the students to listen twice and finish the tasks of2a and 2b . Then let students check the answers together . If necessary play the tape again . Answers :

  1、(√) Do you learn English by watching English-language videos ? (d) 2、(√) Do you ever practice conversations with friends ? (b) 3、( )What about listening to tapes ? ( ) 4、(√) What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ? (c) 5、 (√) Have you ever studied with a group ? (a) After listening . Ask students to read and recite the tapescripts . And explain some language points if necessary . Step3 : Homework

  Recite the sentences “I study by doing …”


  一、精心设计听前活动,引入听力情境,激发学生听的兴趣。 听前活动是听力教学的暖身活动,在听前学生先阅读听力材料,激发学生听的兴趣,集中听的注意力,同时扫除即将听到的语言材料中的难点,以便顺利地进入下一阶段的活动。 精心设计听力课的导入是上好听力课的前提。设计导入活动时,教师要以听力材料的内容着手,特别关注学生的兴趣。 (1)利用图片和多媒体课件导入。

  在学生正式听录音之前,为了让学生能尽快地进入听的状态,初步感受听力的主题。教师可以利用图片和多媒体课件等教学辅助材料来刺激学生的视觉。激发他们对由画面内容引起的猜测、联想等一系列的思维活动。通过教师层层有启发性的提问,鼓励学生积极思维,勇于表达。教师还可组织学生就画面内容展开讨论。在讨论过程中学生的信息可以得到互补。如教师要求学生听一个主题为“Rules around us”时,听前活动就可设计为: Task One: Talk about the signs:教师出示各种在不同场合可以见到的标志如“禁止吸烟”、“不准入内”、“严禁跳水”、“不准停车”等标志,提问学生: 1. Where can you see these signs?

  2. Do you know what these signs mean?

  3. What must we do or mustn’t do when we see these signs? 通过对这些图片的讨论,学生对与主题有关的重要语言结构和内容作好了充分的准备。

  Task Two: Talk about the places:

  画面出现学生生活中每天都经历的场景。如学校食堂、图书馆、马路车站、居住小区等,引导学生继续思考讨论。 what are the things you must do or you mustn’t do in these places? 听前活动的设计既激活了学生的背景知识,学生在Think and share的过程中,思维能力和口语表达能力也得到相应的发展和提高,更重要的是听前活动的开展为听时环节的顺利开展无论在学生的心理上,还是语言知识上都作好了充分的准备。又如在为学生引入“famous persons”这一主题时,教师也可以利用图片或画面显示学生非常熟悉和崇拜的人物如歌星、影星、运动明星等。让学生通过讨论的基础上,聚焦某一人物。比如要让学生听一段介绍有关篮球明星姚明的__。教师可先让学生观看一段篮球比赛的画面。然后教师可提问“Do you like watching/playing basketball?” “Who do you think of when you watch basketball match?” “Do you know something about Yao Ming?” “Do you want to know more about him?”在画面的帮助下,教师设计有启发、有层次的问题使学生渐渐进入听力的主题。


  学生进入课堂时,都是有备而来的。他自身已有的知识水平、生活经验、兴趣爱好等都对课堂教学产生积极的影响。教师要努力激活学生的背景知识,使学生凭借已有的知识和经验来获取更新的知识,更多的经验。还是以“Rules around us”为例,听前教师以学生非常熟悉的`班级公约说起,要求学生讨论已有的班规。或调整或修改或补充。使学生明白作为班级的一分子,每个人都有责任、有义务遵守各项班级制度。继而由此话题展开讨论Are there any rules around you? What are they?此时学生会把自己所知的东西毫无保留地说出来。同时他们更渴望从课堂中获得更多。学生的背景知识被激活,学习的欲望也就因此而被点燃。教师要趁机组织好下面的新授环节,使课堂教学环环相扣、内容层层递进。


  学生生性活泼好动,有非常强的表现欲。教师要积极创设情景,努力为学生创造机会。如在让学生听“seeing a doctor”这一主题时,听前活动就可以设计让学生表演各种不同的病状,如头痛,牙疼,胃痛等。当表演的学生通过不同的表情,不同的动作表现出各种病症时,其他同学会被表演学生的滑稽像所逗乐,同时教师通过提问“What’s wrong with him?”学生就复习整理了一些常见的表示病症的词汇,如toothache ,sore throat, headache等。学生也会自然而然地想到生病了要去看医生,需要打针、吃药。或者同学病了,我们要多关心他,要给他一些建议,或者他生病了,我也要多加注意等一系列问题的思考。所以,这一活动的设计为下面听力活动的开展作好了语言和内容方面的准备。学生在进入听时活动环节中就会少遇一些障碍,多一份自信。


  英语听力材料中经常会出现数字表示不同意思的情况。如数字表示日期、表示数量、表示价格、表示时间等。学生在听的过程中往往会反应不过来。如果平时缺乏针对性的训练,学生在听到数字时常有措手不及的感觉,影响听力理解的效果。所以如果教师在让学生完成听力任务时出现较多用数字表达意思的情况,教师就应在听前活动中设计热身练习。这里可以通过做不同的游戏来刺激学生对数字的反应。如训练学生对数字表示时间的反应时,教师就可准备一个钟面,组织学生进行竞赛,看谁说得又快又准。也可在黑板上画几个钟面,教师报出时间,让学生在钟面上画出相应的时间。教师还组织类似智力抢答的游戏。如教师说“It’s half past eight, but Tom’s watch is five minutes fast/slow. What time is it by Tom’s watch?或“It’s half past eight. The class will be over in ten minutes. What time is it now?”教师设计多种情况让学生积极操练有关时间的加减换算,激发学生的兴趣,训练了学生对数字的敏感性,反应的灵活性。从而缓解了学生在听到数字时紧张、焦虑的心理。 二、合理安排教学活动,精心设计听力练习,使学生积极参与听时活动。


  在听“Rules around us”时,教师就可以设计如下几种活动让学生在听时完成任务。

  Task One: Listen to two students talking about signs. Number the signs that are talking about。(磁带录音)(图片插入)

  A: Look at these signs what do you think they mean? B: Well, this one means don’t throw rubbish on the ground. I think they use it in parks. A: What do you think this one means? B: I think that’s to stop people throwing things out of windows. You sometimes see it on housing estates. 教师指导学生边听边为表示该标志的图片编上序号。当这一任务完成之后,教师可利用现有的图片向学生提问“what does this sign mean?”也可以与学生一起做快速反应练习。即教师说出某一标志的意思,要学生快速指出是哪一图片。如“which sign means no passing?Which sign means you don’t throw the rubbish on the ground.等。在对话材料中还出现哪里能见到这些标志,因此教师可让学生再听一遍录音。当然在听之前一定要给予学生明确的指令,以便让学生在听的过程中有意注意关键的内容。如第一遍学生有意注意每一标志的具体意思,而第二遍则更注意这些标志出现的地方。在第二遍听完之后,教师就可以利用图片口头提问“Where can you find this sign?”.总之,教师要事先对学生所要听的材料做好充分的准备。了解材料中的难点是什么?重点是什么?根据材料还能设计什么活动?使得每一份材料都能得到充分的使用。

  Task Two: Two students are talking about some places. Listen to their dialogue and fill in the blanks. .(磁带录音)

  A: What are some of the regulations on the underground? B: Well, I know you’re not allowed to eat or drink on the underground. A: Yes. That’s right. They have that sign which says you mustn’t eat or drink.

  B: Oh, and I know another one. You should let people get off the train before you get on. A: Let people get off the train before you get on. That’s a good idea. 听完对话以后,教师等待学生完成练习。

  You mustn’t ____________ or_______________. You should let people _____________before you get on.校对完学生的练习之后,教师更应启发学生谈论更多乘地铁需要遵守的规则。教师可以说“we mustn’t ear or drink. And we should let people get off before we get on when we take an underground train. Then what else must or mustn’t be done on underground?教师鼓励学生说出更多乘地铁需要注意的地方。这一活动是让学生用英语的思维关注生活。教师还可以提供更多的场所供学生在课余讨论。为调节课堂气氛教师还可组织猜一猜活动。如这里教师可把活动设计为:one says people must or must not do in a certain place and the others guess what place he/she is talking about. Task Three: Eight students in the picture are breaking library rules. Listen to the librarian talking about the rules and number the students who are breaking rules. .(磁带录音)(图片插入)

  (1) Oh, I can see students cutting something out of one of the books. That’s very bad. We have a rule against that. (2)what’s that students doing with a bag in the library? Bags aren’t allowed.

  (3) Is that student playing cards over there? That’s against the rules. The library is a place for reading and studying---not for playing cards. 这一练习因为有图片的辅助,因而不难完成任务。重要的还是如何运用现成的材料继续开展积极的活动。如根据图片教师可以提问“what is he/she doing? What should he/she do or not do?如果条件允许的话,教师也有、可以播放一段事先拍摄的关于人们违规现象的录象,要求学生指出Who is breaking the rule? What should he/he do ?这样的活动既让学生在现实的情景中操练运用了语言,又让学生在行为习惯的养成方面受到良好的教育。

  Task Four: An English teacher has decided to introduce some new rules in her class. Listen and write down the new rules. .(磁带录音)

  If Mrs Li arrives late for

  class,_____________________________________________ Students who get an A for a

  test______________________________________________ Students who make no grammar mistakes in a composition_________________________

  Students who arrive late for

  class_____________________________________________ Students who forget to do

  homework__________________________________________ //Well, everyone, I’ve decided to introduce some new class rules. Firstly, I’m sorry I’ve arrived late so often this term. If I arrive late again, there’ll be no homework that day. Is that fair? Now, I’ve decided to give a special reward to students who get an A for a test .anyone who gets an A on a test will get a piece of cake. And I want to see some more improvement in your composition too, so anyone who gives in a composition with no grammar mistakes will get two chocolates. I see that some of you are still arriving late for class. In future, anyone who arrives late for class will have to sing a song to the class. So if you don’t want to sing, don’t be late. And I don’t want anyone to forget their homework. In future, anyone who forgets to do their homework will have to learn a poem?? 上述材料是一位英语教师对他课堂的新规定。听完之后学生不禁会羡慕别人有这么开明,民主的英语教师。所以作为教师,我们要善于捕捉学生微妙的心里想法和心理变化,及时调整我们的教育教学策略。如听了上述材料,作为英语教师对改进自己的课堂纪律和要求无动于衷的话,学生肯定会大失所望的。因而,教师就应该因势诱导学生一起讨论制订更完善、更民主、更具人情味的英语课堂学习纪律。这一活动的开展不仅会激发学生英语学习的兴趣,更会使学生在英语课堂上规范自己随意的行为。对学生整个的学习过程会产生积极的影响。











