
时间:2022-09-16 14:23:30 家庭作文 投诉 投稿
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  At home, my job is filial stew pie.


  At the beginning, mom put frozen meat in the refrigerator out, went out to buy a bag of bean sprouts, I began to do, I put pots and dishes, began to do the stew pie. 因为我不会放油,所以我先让妈妈放了点油,之后,我就把肉拿出来,因为这是肉片一起冻起来的,所以我以为用油一烹就会散开,可是把肉刚一放到锅里,那油就溅到了我胳膊上,烫得不行,后来,我就离远点来做焖饼,等我吵了以后,肉还没有化,我就只好把肉拿上来拿刀来切,等切成一片片之后,我就再次放到锅里面,等肉差不多快熟了,我就把豆芽放了进去,之后,我就继续炒,我妈对我说,等会别炒糊了,我兴奋的答应了,等豆芽的颜色变了,我就把饼丝儿也放了,我就继续炒,等炒了一会儿,我就把锅盖儿给盖上,过了一会儿,我妈对我说粘锅啦 Sticky pan, I immediately lifted the lid of the pot and fried it. After that, I took two plates and put it up. One for my mother and one for me, and I ate happily.


  Ah, what a delicious meal I made!



  On Sunday morning, my parents go out shopping, I finished my homework bored at home, turn left and turn right. All of a sudden, the spirit is moving. Is it not to eat noodles at noon? What do I do for my parents and my face? I danced happily, rushed into the kitchen, started and met.

  “第一步,舀三勺面粉;第二步,倒点儿水;第三步……”我边手忙脚乱地和着面,边兴奋地自言自语。“ 哦!完工喽!”我高兴的发狂,看着光滑滑的面团,我说:“最后,我要盖住你!”说着,我拿起旁边的一个大碗向面团扣去,但是,还是没扣住,一碗水便浇到了面团上,光滑的面团顿时湿漉漉、粘乎乎的。糟糕,刚才太高兴,没看见碗里有水,我心中的火被“那碗水”给扑灭了。

  "First step, scoop three spoonful of flour; second step, pour a little water; third steps..." I spoke to myself with excitement, while I was in a hurry and face. "Oh! Finish it! " I was mad with joy and looked at the smooth and slippery dough, and I said, "at the end, I'll cover you!" Then, I picked up a large bowl of dough to buckle to, but still did not buckle, a bowl of water is poured into the dough, smooth dough was wet and sticky. Bad, just so happy, I didn't see the water in the bowl. The fire in my heart was put out by the "bowl of water".


  "Click! Bang!" Came the door open, I Anjiao well, my parents came back! I was sadly out of the kitchen. My father saw it. My eyes were squinting with laughter. I didn't know what to do. I really wanted to get into the seams. Dad walked into the kitchen, saw the dough, and laughed and clapped my head and said, "the next time you have to be careful."


  I want to laugh at it every time I think of it, and I believe it will shine in my childhood memories.



  Usually at home, I rarely work. Today, I'm going to help my mother to drag the floor.


  At the beginning, I picked up the mop and dragged it directly on the ground, and my mother said, "wash the mop before the ground is towed." So, I picked up the water and put the mop into the mop bucket, pointing to the revolving buckle and pushing it hard, then the mop rotated slowly in the water. After several consecutive times, the mop was finally washed clean. At this point I felt that I had used most of my strength.


  I began to drag the floor, and I first dragged the kitchen and the study, the two places were not large, and I did not take much time to solve it easily. But the next thing to solve is the living room, my living room is bigger than the study and the kitchen, I think: this time can be exhausted. So, I'm a bit dragged, dragging a dozen minutes, not to fix thought: living room, so tired, I rest first. I lay on the sofa for a moment and went on to go on the ground again. After I dragged the corner of the living room, I dragged the sofa and the tea table. It wasn't long before the whole living room looked bright and tidy, the floor I had dragged through, so bright that it could shine out of the shadow of the person. Looking at the results of my work, I feel great for the first time.


  Then my mother came and looked at my sweaty head and said, "you go to write the homework first, and I'll drag the rest."


  Today, I did this work, and I felt so tired. Mom has so much housework to do in one day, and I don't know how tired it is. It seems that I will help my mother to share some chores in the future!



  The new day began, and we had been playing at home for two days, so our life had been shortened for two days. I played for a while in the morning and noon.


  In the evening I will give my sister said: "let us Chinese sister!" Because my sister's love of Xiehouyu my sister tongtongkuaikuai promised. I said a few of my sisters had guessed it, and then I said a few simple ones. I said, "my sister is super simple, if you don't have that, it means that your IQ is too low!" I can't believe my sister won't, and my sister lied. "This is really too simple. I dare not say it's afraid to affect your IQ!" Because my sister's boyfriend in my sister's right next to my sister said: "now, how may affect IQ?" My sister heard it and said, "you can't say it yourself. Why do you use your mouth?" Then my sister's boyfriend said it out. This is the way we met many chinese.


  Ah! It's really fun today and it's so fun to play with my sister today!



  On New Year's Eve, eating a hearty dinner, the whole family have a joyous gathering to watch the Spring Festival Gala, time flies, arrived at 11:55 p.m., I excitedly carrying a bunch of fireworks with my father and mother, grandfather, grandmother to the fireworks.


  We took the fireworks to the top of the building, and Dad took out the flaming. Flat, dad gave me a cigarette, I covered his ears, carefully lit the fuse, a whoosh, the fireworks fly on the sky. "Bang" and fireworks unfolded like colorful flowers, illuminating the night sky, and we all looked up. At this time as launched chongfenghao, fireworks into the sky together all around. "Bang bang", the deafening noise sounded in the silent night, and the fireworks in the air were constantly changing. Some of them were like the golden meteor shower, some of them were beautiful five colored flowers, others were like small lanterns lit up. "Good - looking, so nice!" I said loudly as I clapped my hands.


  In the end, my dad and I finished all the fireworks, leaving only a sharp smell of smoke in the air. On New Year's Eve, fireworks display the good will of the new year and the new year. The fireworks on New Year's Eve are really beautiful and spectacular!



  It was thirty of the year. Our whole family finished the reunion dinner, and there was a burst of firecrackers outside. Looking up, the sky is full of colorful fireworks, disguised as a beautiful city of no night in Shenjiamen. I also took up the fireworks, I let my father only listen to the ignition, "shwoosh" sound, the fireworks appear riotous with colour spark, some like stars, like some beautiful flowers, to the sky. My brother clapped his hands and said good - looking... The fireworks, Grandpa gave me the money, he wishes me to learn progress, happy New Year!


  I look forward to the coming year of next year!



  Today is the happiest day, because I went back to my hometown and went to the shrimp pond with my grandfather to prepare for the shrimp tail shrimp.


  When all the preparations were ready, we sat down in the boat. After about 1.5 hours, together with the net, that is a big harvest, we are overjoyed, put a net shrimp alive and kicking are put into the bucket with oxygen. Finally, we took Shenjiamen to sell the shrimp, and saw the hard exchange of money, I and the grandfather is not happy to close the mouth.



  Today, I sucked the ground with a new vacuum cleaner from my family. The vacuum cleaner's whole body is yellow, its body is like a rocket head, and the handle is like its two ears.


  The vacuum cleaner also has a long, round tube, and the pipe is really like a slide. Open the switch and the garbage all slid through the pipe and went into its stomach. I sucked up the big room, the small room. The vacuum cleaner is a good helper for our housework.



  Today, the sun is bright. I came to my grandmother's house.


  My grandmother's house is located on a small island with beautiful scenery and pleasant scenery. There are many of my little friends there! One can see a well at the door of her grandmother's house, and the well is not small. We use this well all the year round. There are pear trees and orange trees in the backyard. There are a lot of fruit hanging there. Next to keep a few cute little ducks, yellow feather head quacks, it is interesting.


  I have to come to my grandmother's house for a few days for every holiday, because I like this place too much.



  Today, I came back home and said, "Mom, I want to eat." Mother said, you eat first! I eat it with a big mouth. I ate two bowls of rice, Grandpa said I will be fat together. I had a small cake for a good meal.


  I had a big meal at home today. Today is the first time I have a big meal at home!










