
时间:2024-06-02 15:49:59 写人作文 投诉 投稿





  Miss Hou is my English teacher, she is 28, we all like her. My English is really bad at first, I am afraid of having Miss Hou’s class, when she finds this, she doesn’t blame me, she tells me that the only way I can learn English well is to fall in love with English, she asks me to watch English movie, it works. Miss Hou is my favorite teacher.



  她,有一双漂亮的眼睛是一双千里眼,鼻子较翘,耳朵很机灵是一对顺风耳,无论如何你说话的声音在小,她也能听见,无论如何你在她下面做小动作,她也能看见。最厉害的是,她那张嘴,说得你毫无招架之力。她,戴着一副眼镜,长长的头发,最爱扎马尾。有时侯温柔,有时侯凶,有时侯逗的我们哈哈大笑,有时侯让我们紧张。她,就是我们的.英语老师,miss wen。

  miss wen刚来时上我们班的课把她气得半死。她还说,她今年才20几岁,她大好的青春年华毁在我们手里。英语老师跟我一样都是属蛇的。老师在QQ上打字就像她说话那样快,几秒钟就打出一句话来,厉害呀!

  miss wen允诺每上完一个单元就教一首英语歌。其他班教了一两首了,惟独我们班一首都没有教,要加点劲儿,不然的话就要比其他班慢好多。



  My Favourite Teacher

  I have many good teachers, but my favourite teacher is Miss Li. SWhe is a very good teacher.

  She is very young, but her English is very good. She teaches us English every day. Her class has so much fun.She sings songs with us, plays games with us. We are so happy . And we learn English well. Our English are very very good.So I like her very much.

  She likes reading books and playing sports. After class, Miss Li often plays sports with us. We are very happy. We all love her very much.

  This is my favourite teacher.She is a good teacher .I like my English teacher very much. What about you?Do you have a good teacher, too?








  do you know who my favorite teacher is? now i tell his name to you, ok?

  our english teacher is my favorite , he is called ×××.he is a good teacher and he is very fun .he always encourages us to study well ,i remembered that he told us:“you should stand the test of time , overcome every difficulty and challenge to win .”he lets the students believe that “where there is a will ,there is a way(有志者事尽成) .”meaningwhile,he treats each pupil fairly. and he has taught us a lot of knowledge. so we


  I remember the first time I see Miss Hou, she walks in class, and then talks with students about small things. She doesn’t talk about English in the first class, everyone feels Miss Hou is so amiable, we like her so much. Miss Hou is good at teaching us, she explain the question very patiently, when we understand, she will be move to the next topic, Miss Hou is a good teacher.



  Mr. Tom is one of my beloved teachers. He taught us Geography when we were in senior one, so he was very experienced in teaching Geography. Mr. Tom always made good preparations for the lessons, so he tried his best tomake his class lively. He was very strict with us. Whenever we made mistakes in our homework, he will ask us to correct them and even do the homework again. I used to be poor in the Geography. Mr. Tom help me with my lesson patiently. With his help, I made great progress and keep up with our class. Though he is retired, he isstill working hard for our educational cards. Teacher's day is coming, I really wish him a good health.



  I most like my English teacher, he was in our class is the most popular teacher, he teaches us English.He often help us witn learn English and ask us to study hard.And He often about our brilliant smile..

  Our English teacher has a lot of hobbies, including his most good at singing.He loved singing, and he sing very good to listen, we're all very fond of his songs.

  This is my favorite teacher,who is your favorite?





  Miss Qin is myfavorite teacher。 She teaches us Chinese。 She is lovely lady in her thirty—two yearsold。 Her warm smile and black long hair are her symbols。 My classmates like hervery much, because she is always kind to us。 In my view, she is a wise teacher。She tells us many stories to us。 It seems she knows everything。 Besides, shewrites good articles。 She tells us if we want to write good articles, we shouldread books as much as we can。 She always cares much about us。 I think this is importantfor a good teacher。



  My favourite teacher is our english teacher. his name is chen jun. we usually call him Mr chen is married 。 he is a little old, but his heart isn`t old. he looks like a forty- year-old man. he has a son and a daughter. his daughter is a very good student. she goes to yulin high school this year.

  so mr chen is a good father. he is a good teacher, too 。 he makes us study very well 。 we listen to him 。 he likes to smile , but he hates dishonest people. we all know that! so we are always honest.We love our english teacher! i hope his wishes will come true!


  M favrite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lad. She has tw big ees, a high nse and a sall red uth. There is alwas a sile n her face.


  Miss Huang lies singing and cllecting psters. She is gd at plaing the pian. In the evening, she alwas sits in frnt f the pian and plas nice usic. She is gd at dancing, t. Seties she teaches us dancing.


  Miss Huang lies dgs ver uch because the dg is ver friendl and cute. Her favrite clr is blue. Because blue is the clr f the s and the sea.


  This is favrite teacher. Our classates all lie her ver uch.




  My favourite teacher is our english teacher. his name is chen jun. we usually call him Mr chen.Mr chen is married . he is a little old, but his heart isn`t old. he looks like a forty- year-old man. he has a son and a daughter. his daughter is a very good student. she goes to yulin high school this year. so mr chen is a good father. he is a good teacher, too . he makes us study very well . we listen to him . he likes to smile , but he hates dishonest people. we all know that! so we are always honest.We love our english teacher! i hope his wishes will come true!




  I like teacher Kong who taught my Chinese best.

  我不是很聪明,有的时候也有一些题不会,孔老师就一遍一遍地给我讲解,一遍不会,老师就会给我讲两遍,两遍不会,老师就会再给我讲,一直讲到我听明白了为止。孔老师不仅给我这样讲,也给我 们班的任何一位同学这样讲,孔老师对我们任何一个人都很关心。

  Im not very smart. Sometimes I have some questions that I cant answer. Mr. Kong explains them to me over and over again. If I dont answer them again, the teacher will tell me twice. If I dont answer them twice, the teacher will tell me again until I understand them. Mr. Kong not only told me this, but also to any of our classmates. Mr. Kong is very concerned about any of us.

  记得有一次下大雨,同学们都走了,就剩下我一个人孤零零的,我从大门洞里等了很久,妈妈迟迟没有来,我很着急,嘴里还嘟囔着:妈妈怎么还不来呢,都快急死我了。这时孔老师出现在我眼前 ,孔老师陪我等了好久,还是看不见妈妈的身影。孔老师说:要不我送你回家吧!说着把我搂在怀里,撑起伞把我送回了家。到了家门口我敲了几下门,妈妈一见我回来了说:天哪我竟然忘接你 了!你怎么来的`?这时妈妈才看见我身后的孔老师,就不停地说:谢谢你孔老师。孔老师笑了笑说:不用谢,然后就转身下楼了。

  I remember a time when it rained heavily and all the students left, leaving me alone. I waited for a long time from the gate hole, but my mother didnt come. I was very worried and muttered, why hasnt my mother come? Im so worried. At this time, Mr. Kong appeared in front of my eyes. After a long time waiting with me, I still couldnt see my mother. Teacher Kong said, Ill take you home. Then he held me in his arms and took me home with an umbrella. When I got to the door, I knocked a few times. When my mother saw me coming back, she said, God, I forgot to pick you up! How did you come here? At this time, my mother saw teacher Kong behind me and kept saying, thank you, teacher Kong. Teacher Kong smiled and said, dont thank you. then he turned and went downstairs.


  Now miss Kong transferred away, but I still miss her. Miss Kong came to see us once after she left. Miss Kong, I miss you very much. When will you come to see us again!


  My favourite teacher is our English teacher. His name is Chen Jun. We usually call him Mr Chen.

  Mr Chen is married . He is a little old, but his heart isn't old. He looks like a forty- year-old man. He has a son and a daughter. His daughter is a very good student. She goes to Yulin High School this year. So Mr Chen is a good father. He is a good teacher, too . He makes us study very well . We listen to him . He likes to smile , but he hates dishonest people. We all know that! So we are always honest.

  We love our English teacher! I hope his wishes will come true!


  Monday to Friday we have Chinese classes every week, one of my favorite in all the teacher is language teacher, black hair, has bloodshot eyes, this is our Chinese teacher, Mr Zhang.

  Remember once, next to my deskmate class and students passing notes, after found by the teacher, will open on see, all of the above is scold the teacher's words, the teacher saw was not a bit angry, today, I go to the office on duty, go to the front of the teacher's desk, see the teacher's desk a lot of antiphlogistic medicine and cure cold medicine, in the afternoon, the first lesson is a language lesson, I have very good relationship with several classmates said: "on Chinese classes today, don't let the teacher shouted, called out, let the teacher thoroughly from class." The students agreed, class, the teacher in a soft voice, finished class, only a few male student performance is not good, ran to the front of the teacher, some students asked the teacher: "your disease better?" The teacher said, "much better, all in a couple of days."

  The Chinese teacher of our class is like that, she is a kind and gentle Chinese teacher, she let us know what love is, let us more united, more up, continuous improvement, continuous efforts.





  She is a rigorous female teacher, a smile on the corner of her mouth can always give me this math idiot a few silk calm and comfort.

  Once, I was correct in the application of a mathematical formula for the application of the surface area for 5 times. My teacher and leaves a sigh of relief, I is to conceal the hearts of that joy, hurried out of the office. But behold, I and five (3) class Cheng bright face with a hit, but the partial chapped lips break a hole, the blood flow out hua. I was alarmed, and I cried, and Mr. ye heard that he immediately dropped his homework and ran out at the speed of 100 meters, and he helped me to the clinic, and encouraged me to be brave. She poured cold water on me and gargled me, and on the other hand she took a large group of cotton and pressed my lips. The blood soaked the teacher's finger and dropped it on her white shirt. I really annoyed his teacher to get dizzy with success, leaves so much trouble. Ye seemed to have seen my little emotion and smiled and comforted me. "I'll make mistakes 2 times next time, and correct the right ones. Don't fly up!" we both laughed heartily, and the wound on the lips was not as painful as it was just now.

  His teacher, the faith in the way, this is to let me worship my favorite leaf teacher, and she is only a good teacher of the ordinary and beautiful part of the Chinese. She was unforgettable for my love.










